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Gastritis Care Kit

Gastritis Care Kit

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1. Digestion Support Tablet 60 Tablets
2. Pitta Balance Tablet 60 Tablets
3. Trikatu Syrup 2 bottles
4. Agnimukh Churan 1 Bottle
5. Sheet Dhara 2 Bottles

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Your stomach has a protective lining of mucus called the mucosa. This lining protects your stomach from the strong stomach acid that digests food. When something damages or weakens this protective lining, the mucosa becomes inflamed, causing gastritis. A type of bacteria called helocobecter pylori is the most common bacterial cause of gastritis.


  • Black, terry stool
  • Bloating
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Feeling extra full during or after a meal
  • Loss of appetite
  • Stomach ulcers
  • Losing weight without meaning to
  • Upper abdominal pain or discomfort
  • Vomiting with blood


According to Ayurveda, severe gastritis is an “Urdhvaga amlapitta roga.” which is caused by an aggravation of a metabolic disorder or pitta dosha. Improper dietary habits affect the fire in the stomach, causing it to produce more toxins or acid and secrete more digestive enzymes, resulting in gastritis. Ayurvedic medicine has been shown to be the most effective treatment for Gastritis. Ayurveda prescribes various herbs and medicine that have a soothing and cooling effect on the stomach. It can also help in eliminating toxins and acidity which are responsible for most of the disease conditions in your body.

Chandigarh Ayurved center’s Gastritis care kit consists of ayurvedic medicines which are 100% safe and authentic and are very effective for management of gastritis. The medicines present in CAC Gastritis care kit are digestion support tablet, pitta balance tablet, trikatu syrup, agnimukh churna and sheet dhara.

1. Agnimukha Churna

This herbal churna is prepared from ingredients like Vacha (Acorus calamus), Pippali (Piper longum), Sonth (Zingiber officinale), Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), etc that balances vata & kapha doshas in the body. It gives effective results in indigestion, anorexia, abdominal pain, constipation, loss of appetite, flatulence, bloating, intestinal gas, intestinal gas, etc.

Recommended Dosage: Take a half teaspoon of this churna twice daily with normal water.

2. Digestion Support Tablet

This tablet is unique blend of best digestive herbs like kutaz chal, bilav, dhania, mustak, shankh bhasm, piper mint, and dadim that maintain natural Ph balance in the stomach and aid digestion of all types of food. The herbs present in this control acidity, gas, flatulence and constipation. These all complex problems are root cause of all diseases. If digestive system is proper it leads to proper assimilation of the nutrients in the body.

Recommended Dosage: Take tablet twice daily.

3. Sheet Dhara Syrup

This herbal syrup is prepared from ingredients such as ajwain satav, mushak kapoor, peppermint, etc that naturally relieve the symptoms like bloating, blenching, nausea, vomiting, feeling of discomfort, etc. The regular use of this herbal syrup neutralizes the high acid content, reduces
abdominal pain, & cramps.

Recommended dosage: Take half teaspoonful of this syrup in half a cup of water. Drink this mixture twice daily on an empty stomach.

4. Pitta Balance Tablet

Pitta doshas is responsible for digestion, metabolism, blood quality, thirst, appetite, eyesight, skin color and quality, body temperature, and mental abilities of intelligence and courage. Pitta doshas is composed of a fire element that digests almost everything that a person eats or drink. The eaten food is transformed into energy for the body to use in various functions of the body.

Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily with normal water.

5. Trikatu Syrup:

Trikatu combines the goodness of Black pepper, Ginger and, Long pepper to create an herbal remedy for digestive ailments, sluggish metabolism, obesity, and high cholesterol. This syrup has best results in anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and expectorant. It also help to tackle the weight problems or obesity. It can modulate your body’s immune response while cutting the characteristic inflammation associated with the back pain.

Recommended Dosage –Take 2 teaspoonful twice a day before meal with normal water.


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