Menorrhagia is also known as abnormal uterine bleeding or heavy periods. A woman with healthy period loss about 40-60 ml blood per period If the amount is more than 80ml and the duration is more than 7 days is considered menorrhagia. Heavy bleeding during the menstrual cycle affects the physical, emotional, day to day activities, social life, occupation, sexual life and maternal life.
Causes of menorrhagia
Hormonal imbalance: It cause of menorrhagia as it leads to an overdevelopment of endometrium, which result in heavy period flow.
- Thyroid disorders
- Low progesterone levels
- Menopause and Pre-menopause
- Early years of menarche
- Obesity and High body fat
Health conditions and medications
- Intrauterine device
- Birth control pills
- Blood thinning medications
- Genital TB
- Ovarian tumors
- Uterine Fibroids
- Miscarriage
- Infection in uterus or vagina
- Endometriosis
- Excessive stress
- Nutritional deficiency
- Endocrinal disorder
- Genetic bleeding disorders
Sign and symptoms
- Heavy bleeding
- Having large blood clots
- Soaking blood through sanitary pads every hours
- Need double pad at a time in order to control the bleeding
- Having periods that disrupt daily functioning
- Fatigue
- Having period for longer than a week
- Anemia
- Shortness of breath
- PMS symptoms, Menstrual cramps or period pain in the abdominal region
How to diagnose Menorrhagia
- Pap smear
- Endometrial biopsy
- Hysteroscopy
- Sonohysterogram
- Ultrasound scan
- Complete blood test
Ayurvedic view of menorrhagia
According to Ayurveda abnormal uterine bleeding is classified as Asrigdara, which means heavy vaginal bleeding during, before, or after the menstrual cycle. Aggravated dosha Apan vayu, Vyan vayu, and Pitta dosha and dushya as Ras dhatu and Rakta dhatu
In Ayurveda it also refer to Raktapradhara
Ayurvedic treatment for menorrhagia
Ayurveda treatment of heavy periods focuses on the diet or lifestyle modifications to balance of the aggravated doshas.
Treatment to balance down pitta dosha and Rakta
Stambhana (Blocking therapy)
Sheetala upachara
Sheetala annapana
Ayurvedic herbs for Menorrhagia
Ayurvedic herbs are highly effective in treating heavy periods. They naturally balance hormones, detoxify to reduce inflammation and thus reduce heavy bleeding or muscle cramps.
1. Amla
It helps to reduce menstrual bleeding or balance hormones. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties and also remove toxins from the body.
2. Licorice
It helps to reduce high estrogen and androgen level.
3. Ashoka
Bark of Ashoka acts as a tonic for uterus. It promotes ovulation, balance hormones and reduce high estrogen levels.
4. Lodhra
It is highly effective in a heavy period and to prevent formation of thick uterine lining. It helps to regulate ovarian hormones and improve fertility.
5. Shatavari
It nourishes the reproductive tissues and improves the fertility. And prevents blood loss due to heavy period and passage of large blood clots
6. Dandelion Flower
The bitter taste of dandelion is extremely useful to pacify pitta or kapha dosha. This helps to restrict heavy period with clots and prevents them from occurring in the long term.
Best foods to prevent heavy menstrual bleeding
- Take a lots of iron rich foods
- Include fresh vegetables in your diet
- Low intake of foods that have a high glycemic index
- Avoid excess salt, spices, sour foods or pickles
- Reduce use of caffeine, refined sugar, or cold drinks
- Stop the consumption of processed foods and packaged foods
- Avoid foods with a hot potency and hot temperature
- Reduce stress
- Avoid heavy exercise
- Practicing yoga and meditation
- Maintains sleep habit
- Bhujangasana
- Vajrasana
- Balasana
- Apanasana
- Anulom vilom pranayama
Chandigarh Ayurveda Centre is the best center that treats menorrhagia of its root cause. CAC medicines for menorrhagia are
- Immuno Up Powder
- Feminine Care Tablet
- Makar Rasayan Tablet
- Stop Bleeding Tablet